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A few kleening Tips and Tricks

No Streak Window Cleaning

How to ensure you have those sparkle, streak-free windows, use newspaper and buff in a circular motion to clean your window to perfection. 



Trick to Clean Your Iron

​Use Salt to  clean your iron, pour salt onto your ironing board, on on a pillow case to make clean up easier and then iron the salt with the steam option off, the dirt on the iron will stick to the salt and make for an easy clean .





Removing Stains from your Chopping Board

Slice a lemon, and run the cut side over the chopping board to remove food stains and smells. For extra kleening power sprinkle some salt or baking soda on the board first. 




Fight Pet Smells

To remove that smelly order from pets, deodorize the soft 

cushy places around your house, including pet beds by sprinkling surfaces with baking soda, and let it sit for 15 minutes then vacuum it up. 


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